
Thursday, September 11, 2014


Today marks the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack.

It's hard to believe that it's been 13 years since fear and chaos struck America. 

I personally only remember waking up early before school and finding my mom watching the news. Her usual laundry folding had halted as news reports were showing the madness. I didn't get it. I didn't cry. I wasn't scared. It was bad, but I didn't realize how bad at the time. 

Since then, I've shed tears for the fallen. I've cried for those who lost their lives unjustly, those who sacrificed themselves, and those who were affected by this horrific incident in very deep ways and may still be suffering.  

Since then, I've been scared. I remember hearing rumors of possible attacks on the northwest. For a while, I was scared anytime my dad took a buisness trip anywhere, for fear that I may not see him again.

Since then, I've realized the effects that one event can have on the world. I've realized just how bad it was. Its effected too many people to count and will continue to do so. It's something that no one will ever forget. 

But since the day the towers fell, we have come so far. The memory burns bright, but it does not bring fear. For me, it brings hope. There is hope that life gets better.

Today there was sunshine. There were friends who smiled and talked. There was a college football game. My husband made me laugh. I was thoughtful of what day it was, but I had a hope that slowly but surely, America's wounds were healing. Life moves on and the most important thing is the lessons learned. 

In honor of 9/11, I try to be more understanding of people and less judgmental. I try to comfort those who need it. I try to be a source of good in the world, because that is what the world needs after being terrorized. I try to hope more and fear less. 

What will you try to be, in order to honor 9/11?

Friday, May 23, 2014

525,600 Minutes

How do you measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets...

In midnights, in cups of coffee...

In inches, in miles...

In laughter, in strife...

In 525600 minutes, how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love?

Measure in love.



525,600 minutes...
525 thousand moments so dear...

525,600 minutes...
How do you measure, measure a year?

It's time now to sing out, though the journey never ends...
Let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends...

Remember the love...
Measure in love...






Happy Anniversary to us! Here's to another year where we love like crazy.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 9: Something you're reading

I am currently reading a book in the Redwall series called The Rouge Crew. I have always loved Redwall and I'm never going to get too old for it. 
This phrase struck me as I thought about all the work that is done at the end of the semester. By the time finals are done, so are we. Actually, I'm done with it all right about two weeks before finals start. I can't wait to graduate and be done, but I'll enjoy the experience while I'm here. Every time I wish for something to end, I am reminded of the song "You're gonna miss this". Go listen to it if you've never heard it. Even if you have, go listen to it. 

Love Redwall books like crazy!

Day 8: Ornaments

As soon as I read the item to photograph today, I realized I had already taken a lovely picture of an ornament. 
In the attempt to give variety, I pictured my ornaments placed somewhere other than the tree. Here they are! My mamma always had beautiful garland on her staircase during Christmas. It has lights, bows, poinsettias, I think some pine cones, the whole shabam. I've always loved how the glow of the lights on the banisters made the house look so... cozy. They give it a magical glow. That's probably where my love for Christmas lights come from. I want my own home to have that cozy, magic, glow. 

So there is my attempt. I couldn't put lights in the garland because there wasn't an outlet on that wall. Instead, I used some of my leftover ornaments that didn't fit on the tree and hung them here. I like it. 

Merry Christmas! Love the season like crazy!

Day 7: Bright

This is the first little glimpse of my decorations! I'll admit, I'm a total sucker for sparkly things. To make it even more awesome, look how they sparkle with the lights! 
I had a hard time not staring at it for hours on end. 

As you can see from this picture, we also got our tree today (by today, I mean the 7th of December). In true Oregonian spirit, we found a real tree. This was actually my husband's only request for Christmas decorations. It's a little small, but hey, we're just two little people who can't afford a huge tree in a little-bitty house. Funny thing was, there were a lot of pricey trees when we were looking. We found this one and realized we were $1 short on cash to buy it. The guy was nice enough to let us have it anyways, in true Christmas spirit. $1 may not seem like a big deal, but like I've said before, it's the small things people often notice. We'll probably buy from that place next year. Maybe bring an extra dollar. 

I love our tree and our bright lights and sparkly ornaments like crazy.  

And may you days be merry and bright...

Day 6: Shopping

This season has a lot to do with shopping, but for some reason, I never really get the Christmas shopping bug that some people seem to have.

This year though, I was feelin' in the spirit and sprung for some decorations (along with my usual groceries). That's about the only bug I caught though. Since finals have started, I've had a hard time thinking about anything else. 

So there's my shopping list for the day. Nothing special. You'll probably get more pictures of the results of my purchases. 

I really like this notepad by the way. My grandma gave it to me for my birthday and I think it's the cutest paper ever. I use it quite often now. :) Sometimes it's the little things that make our lives better.

Gettin' in the Christmas spirit, one picture at a time... and lovin' it like crazy. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 5: Today's temperature

I could tell that this morning was cold. I didn't realize it was 1 degree cold!! BRRR. At least I got a pretty sunrise through my kitchen window. You don't realize how much you appreciate certain things until you live without it for a while.

The inside temperature was way nicer than the outside temperature.  

I love my warm home and windows like crazy!